From our founding, we have supported the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道

十大赌博正规老平台 supports work beyond what the National Park Service could accomplish on its own, 包括:改善公共访问, 支持土地保育, 进行文化研究和环境分析, and providing outreach that enrich visitors’ experiences and create a sustainable future for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.


十大赌博正规老平台 is proud to support trail development for the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道 (Chesapeake Trail). The trail commemorates Captain Smith’s exploration of the Bay in 1607 through 1609, 也是美国第一条全水国家历史步道. 它提供了一个重要的保护, 娱乐和教育资源延伸超过3,穿越了切萨皮克大部分大河. In addition to providing needed recreational access to the Chesapeake and its rivers, 这条小径为我们的大型景观保护工作提供了一个框架, 至关重要的庆祝活动, 保护和修复海湾. Just as the Appalachian National Scenic Trail provided a framework for large landscape conservation since 1920, 切萨皮克小道也是如此.

The 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道 是基于探险家的地图和文字记录吗. The trail, 由国家公园管理局管理, 与16个国家野生动物保护区相连, 12个国家公园, 以及其他三条国家步道. 它为旅游业提供了机会, 环境及文化教育, conservation, and recreation. The multi-dimensional nature of the Chesapeake Trail makes it a model for a new system of National Blueways.

十大赌博正规老平台协会和国家公园管理局已经开发了一个 切萨皮克步道保护策略 that defines a process for prioritizing conservation areas along the trail that are important to the visitor experience. 和NPS一起工作, the Conservancy is implementing this strategy along each segment of the Capt. John Smith Trail. Learn more 关于切萨皮克步道的规划.



Take a virtual tour of one or more of 15 sites along the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道 from your computer or mobile device. Enjoy the beautiful shipwrecks steeped in our nation’s history that now serve as ecological habitats at Mallows Bay. 欣赏美丽 James River 就像它流经弗吉尼亚或大河一样 Susquehanna, 切萨皮克的命脉, 每天向海湾注入约200亿加仑的淡水. We hope that the virtual tour will inspire and help plan a real trip to these beautiful rivers of the Chesapeake.



Read about all of the amazing accomplishments of the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道!

  • 2020: From commissioning and assisting in the completion of an Archeological Overview of Werowocomoco, 成为一本新书的主角, 美国国家历史步道:步行 历史的痕迹.
  • 2019年:少年游骑兵项目成功延续, 新成立的海上工艺学校, 有很多事情值得庆祝.

Boater's Guide

现在你可以像约翰·史密斯船长那样乘船探索切萨皮克湾了! But, luckily for you, 这个冒险是可以访问所有的船只和技能水平, 你身边会有约翰·佩奇·威廉姆斯的专业知识.

A Boater’s Guide to the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道, 一个免费的在线出版物,介绍桨手, 滑雪和巡洋舰探索切萨皮克小径. 获取有关小道起点的实用信息, trip itineraries, and water conditions interwoven with the historical context of the Chesapeake’s waters explored by Captain John Smith four centuries ago. Choose between an online pdf copy or our 移动划船指南.

Smart Buoys

Smart Buoys mark the trail and provide instant information to trail travelers. See where the buoys are located and find out how to access both historic information and current weather conditions, or download our Smartbuoy App 通过智能手机查看浮标的实时信息.

Access Sites

The 十大赌博正规老平台 is working with the National Park Service and local partners to establish and improve public access facilities for the Chesapeake Trail that will allow visitors to get out on the water and view the same landscapes Captain John Smith experienced over 400 years ago.

Explore the access sites on the Chesapeake Trail using an interactive map available by visiting this page.

Historic Map

约翰·史密斯的地图不仅记录了切萨皮克河的地理特征, 还有它的文化方面, 包括200多个美洲原住民城镇. 许多地名至今仍在使用.

还有他的日记, Captain John Smith’s map provides an unparalleled record of what the Chesapeake was like four centuries ago. 看他的地图并下载, visit this page.



Find out more about Captain John Smith’s voyage and the Bay’s special landscape through this informative map produced by 国家地理学会.

Join the Adventure and explore the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道. Visit their website 查阅最新资料.

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